Zaption - Simply Speaking

Educational Implications

1. Increase engagement.

Interactive elements such as multiple choice questions, open response boxes, text, images, and drawings can be added to a YouTube or a Vimeo video clip. Students' prefer this type of interactive activities over textbooks and simple videos.

2. Deepen learning.

Key concepts can be summarized, relevant images & links added and open-ended questions asked.

3. Differentiate instructions.

Instruction can be modified for a class or individuals due to rich analytics that provide actionable data. Extensive analytics tracks students' responses. 

4. Learn everywhere.

Zaption videos can be viewed on LMS using desktop and tablet web browsers, or with Zaption app for iPad and iPhone.

Use in Higher Edication

Examples of interactive videos created in Zaption

European Union - Economy

Understanding Exchange Rate

Credit Card Maths

Interactive Video and Mobile Devices

Other great examples of what's possible with interactive video

Other web applications for creating interactive videos

Pricing Plans

Basic Plan is Free. This allows:

  • Create own video lessons using 6 interactive elements with a single video
  • Share lessons with students and friends
  • Track viewer progress and responses with detailed analytics

Pro Classroom for 1 instructor  is $ 89/year.

Pro Campus for 15 instructors is $995/year.


People like to get their information in short video format.

Interactive video has been shown to increase attention, engagement, recall, satisfaction and time spent watching a video.

Particularly valuable on mobile devices because learners can learn from anywhere and on the move.


In spite of advances in the development of web-based technologies sometimes multimedia content still takes longer to load than static content.

Compatibility issues.  Multimedia elements not as widely supported by some browser as HTML.